The Shadow

Tarot Card Meaning

Upright Keywords:

Shadow Self, Lack of Control, Oppression

Reverse Keywords:

Revelation, Freedom, Restoring Control

The Shadow Description:

An elemental is sitting on the ground, their face covered in fear as they refuse to look behind them. In the background, a shadowy figure lurks in the darkness of the forest, reaching out toward the fearful elemental. Behind them sits an unlit campfire, symbolizing the warmth and light that could be brought into their life if only they could overcome their fear. On the ground beside the elemental lies a lit match. A small but powerful symbol of the potential for change. The match represents the strength and courage within the elemental's grasp if only they would turn and face their fears. This card encourages us to confront our lives' shadows and face our fears head-on. Knowing that only then can we light the fire of hope and banish the darkness surrounding us, reminding us that even the smallest spark can ignite a great blaze and that the power to overcome our darkness lies within us all.